Today is a great day to remind us to go green. It can be easier than you think. There are many options available to implement into your home without going to the extreme- “off grid.” Below are 10 easy ideas everyone can do to go green and help lessen the impact on our environment and your wallet.
1) Update appliances to energy-efficient models.
2) Recycle electronics.
3) Replacing windows with double pane options or make them airtight.
4) Fix a leaky faucet or toilet.
5) Turn of lights.
6) Swap light bulbs with compact fluorescent ones. (Even just changing a few makes a difference.)
7) Use a programmable thermostat.
8) Find creative ways to reuse items.
9) Set your fridge between 37 and 40 degrees.
10) Open window treatments to bring in the sun during the day in the winter, and close them in the summer.
When remodeling, look for the energy saving label and use green materials whenever possible. For example, Terrazzo countertops or a direct-vent gas fireplace might make for more eco-friendly choices. Also, use low-VOC paints and eco-friendly cleaning products whenever possible. Remember, natural choices are the best when trying to go green. Just use a little common sense and going green becomes a natural. Smart design not only can maximum energy efficiency but make your space more inviting. Planning for low maintenance items —especially outside, can save you time and money in the long run as well.
So, consider “going green” whenever possible and make your friends “green with envy” as well as put more “green” in your pocketbook.